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Camden Garden Club Winter Horticulture Series: “The Secret Lives of Wild Bees” with Nick Dorian, Ph.D.

Tuesday, February 11 @ 9:30 am 10:30 am

Camden Garden Club’s 57th Annual Winter Horticulture Series
January 28 – February 25, 2024

Join us this winter for another series of fascinating free horticulture talks, presented by the Camden Garden Club and hosted on Zoom with the Camden Public Library. Programs will be held via Zoom on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM, January 28 – February 25, 2025. Click here to view a list of all programs in this year’s series.

Register for this program here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_j-cBkyhHQDOuETkiPRUhhw

On Tuesday, February 11, at 9:30 a.m., the Camden Garden Club welcomes Nick Dorian, Ph.D. ecologist and educator to discuss wild bees.

You’ve probably heard “Save The Bees!” but do you know which bees need saving? Over 4000 species of bees inhabit North America, and most don’t live in hives or make honey. In fact, wild bees come in every size, shape, and color you can imagine, and they live all around us, hiding in plain sight. In this lecture, Dr. Nick Dorian will introduce you to the wild bees of New England. Together, we’ll examine their varied lifestyles, habitat needs, and intricate relationships they have with native flowering plants and other insects. You’ll come away clear action items for how to notice, appreciate, and help these important pollinators in your backyard.

Dr. Nick Dorian is an ecologist, an educator, and a naturalist. He received his Ph.D. from Tufts University where he studied the ecology and conservation of wild bees. At Tufts, Nick also co-founded and ran the Tufts Pollinator Initiative (sites.tufts.edu/pollinators), which worked to build capacity for community-based pollinator conservation through habitat creation, place-based education, and ecological research. Currently, Nick is a post-doctoral researcher at the Chicago Botanic Garden where he studies how to optimize pollinator gardens for biodiversity conservation.

The Camden Garden Club is a the oldest garden club in Maine. The Club was founded in 1915 by a group of like-minded women with the mission to develop and preserve the beauty in and around Camden, Maine.

Over a century later, our mission is to cultivate the art of gardening to its fullest sense, develop and preserve beauty in and around Camden, and promotes civic improvements, education, and conservation of natural resources.