Join us for the annual Native Plant Sale and Celebration on Sunday, September 15, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and purchase sustainably-grown native plants from local vendors in the beautiful harborside Amphitheater in the heart of the Midcoast! This event is put on in partnership with Wild Ones Midcoast Maine and Camden Public Library. RAIN DATE is Sunday, September 22.
There will be shopping from local native plant nurseries, educational booths with various organizations; conversations with native plant growers, experts, gardeners, and landscapers; speakers; music; special guest of honor Rachel Bok Goldman, and more! This is a great opportunity to learn more about native plants and incorporate them into your own garden and yard.
Throughout the day Environmental Educator Lynn Rutter of Roots n Shoots After School Care, will provide educational activities for children. Come and Play! Dig a hole and plant an Oak. Design your own Backyard Habitat. Sort seeds and paint wildflowers! Join a Wildflower Bingo Game – and lots more fun and meaningful activities!
Featured Artist Cassie Sano, plein air artist and children’s book author, will be painting and displaying her works featuring native plants and habitats throughout the day.
You can choose your plants on the day of, or you can make your choices early and confirm availability of the plants you want by reserving them via Pre–Sales with the nurseries ahead of Sunday the 15th!
Participating Native Plant Growers
Click the link to each grower to confirm plant availability and to place a pre-order to pick up on the 15th. FIND THE LIST OF PLANTS AVAILABLE FOR PRESALE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE!
Crystal Lake Farm & Nursery – Call to place Pre-Sale order: 207-845-2140
Honey Petal Plants – Request Pre-Sale List here:
Flora Maine Native Plants + Gardens
Participating environmental organizations will include:
Megunticook Watershed Association
Camden Conservation Commission
Volunteers needed! If you are interested in helping out during the plant sale, please fill out this form.
This event is made possible by Wild Ones Midcoast Maine, Camden Public Library, generous in-kind sponsors: French & Brawn Marketplace, Hannaford in Camden, and Zoot Coffee.
These are the 100+ plants that will be available for pre-sale. This compilation of the plant varieties are on many of this year’s Plant Sale nurseries offerings’ lists, check for your specific variety on lists from each. Click on each scientific name for an image and more information about the plant!
Scientific Name | Common Name(s) |
Abies balsamea | Balsam Fir |
Achillea millefolium | Common Yarrow, Yarrow |
Actaea pachypoda | White Baneberry, Dolls Eyes |
Actaea racemosa | Black Cohosh, Black Bugbane, Black Snakeroot, Fairy Candle |
Actaea rubra | Red Baneberry |
Adiantum pedatum | Maidenhair Fern |
Agastache foeniculum | Anise Hyssop |
Ageratina altissima | White Snakeroot |
Allium schoenoprasm | Chives – Maine Native |
Allium cernuum | Nodding Onion |
Amsonia illustris | Ozark Bluestar |
Amsonia tabernaemontana | Eastern Or Texas Bluestar |
Amelanchier canadensis | Shadbush |
Anaphalis margaritacea | Pearly Everlasting |
Andropogon gerardii | Big Bluestem |
Anemone canadensis | Canada Anemone |
Anemone virginiana | Tall Thimbleweed, Tall Anemone |
Antennaria plantaginifolia | Plantain-Leaf Pussy Toes, Ladies Tobacco |
Apios americana | Groundnut |
Aquilegia canadensis | Wild Columbine, Red Columbine, Eastern Red Columbine |
Aralia racemosa | American Spikenard, Small Spikenard, Indian Root, Spice Berry, Spignet, Life-Of-Man, Petty Morel |
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | Bearberry, Kinnickkinnick, Pinemat Manzanita |
Arisaema triphyllum | Jack-In-The-Pulpit |
Aronia melanocarpa | Black Chokeberry, Black Aronia |
Asclepias incarnata | Swamp Milkweed, Rose Milkweed |
Asclepias incarnata ssp. pulchra | Swamp Milkweed, Rose Milkweed |
Asclepias syriaca | Common Milkweed |
Asclepias tuberosa | Butterflyweed |
Aster macrophyllus | Big Leaf Aster, Large Leaf Wood Aster |
Caltha palustris | Marsh Marigold |
Campanula rotundifolia | Scotch Bellflower Harebell |
Capnoides sempervirens | Rock-Harlequin, Pink Corydalis |
Carex albicans | White-Tinged Sedge |
Carex bicknellii | Bicknell’S Sedge |
Carex lurida | Lurid Sedge |
Carex pensylvanica | Pennsylvania Sedge |
Carex plantaginea | Seersucker Sedge, Plantain-Leaved Sedge |
Carex radiata | Eastern Star Sedge |
Carex rosea | Golden Star Sedge |
Carex sprengellii | Long-Beaked Sedge |
Carex stricta | Tussock Sedge |
Carex vulpinoidea | Fox Sedge |
Cassia hebecarpa | Northern Wild Senna |
Ceanothus americanus | New Jersey Tea |
Cephalanthus occidentalis | Buttonbush |
Chamaenerion angustifolium, Epilobium angustifolium | Fireweed |
Chelone glabra | White Turtlehead |
Chenopodium capitatum | Strawberry Spinach, Strawberry Goosefoot, Strawberry Blite |
Clematis virginiana | Virgin’S Bower Clematis |
Clethra alnifolia | Coastal Pepperbush, Coastal Sweet-Pepper, Summer Sweet |
Corydalis sempervirens | Rock Harlequin |
Coreopsis tripteris | Tall Coreopsis, Tall Tickseed |
Cornus alternifolia, Swida alternifolia | Pagoda Dogwood, Alternateleaf Dogwood |
Cornus racemosa, Swida racemosa | Gray Dogwood |
Cornus sericea, swida sericea | Red Osier Dogwood (Shrub) |
Danthonia spicata | Poverty Oatgrass, Poverty Grass |
Desmodium canadense | Showy Tick-Trefoil |
Dicentra eximia | Fringed Or Wild Bleeding Heart |
Diervilla lonicera | Bush Honeysuckle |
Doellingeria umbellata | Tall White Aster |
Dryopteris marginalis | Marginal Shield Fern, Marginal Wood Fern |
Echinacea pallida | Pale Purple Coneflower (Not Native to Maine, Native Central, Eastern & US) |
Echinacea purpurea | Purple Coneflower, Eastern Coneflower (Not Native to Maine, Native Central, Eastern & US) |
Echinacea paradoxa | Yellow Coneflower – Native Central & S Us |
Eragrostis spectabilis | Purple Lovegrass |
Elymus hystrix | Bottlebrush Grass |
Eupatorium perfoliatum | Boneset Thoroughwort, Boneset |
Eurybia divaricata | White Wood Aster |
Eurybia macrophylla | Large-Leafed Aster, Big-Leafed Aster |
Euthamia graminifolia | Lance-Leaved Goldenrod, Flat-Top Goldentop, Grass-Leaved Goldenrod, Common Grass-Leaved Goldenrod, (Solidago Graminifolia) |
Eutrochium ? | Joe Pye Flower, Joe Pye Weed – Mystery Species |
Eutrochium dubium | Coastal Plain Joe Pye Flower, Coastal Plain Joe Pye Weed |
Eutrochium fistulosum | Hollow Joe-Pye Flower, Hollow Joe-Pye Weed |
Eutrochium maculatum | Spotted Joe Pye Flower, Spotted Joe Pye Weed |
Eutrochium purpureum | Purple Joe Pye Flower, Purple Joe Pye Weed |
Fragaria virginiana | Wild Strawberry |
Gaultheria procumbens | Wintergreen |
Gentiana andrewsii | Closed Gentian, Closed Bottle Gentian, Andrew’S Bottle Genrian |
Geranium maculatum | Wild Geranium, Cranesbill Geranium, Cranesbill, Spotted Crane’s Bill |
Geum fragaroides | Appalachian Barren Strawberry |
Gillenia trifoliata | Bowman’s Root |
Hamamelis virginiana | Witch Hazel, American Witch Hazel |
Helenium autumnale | Helen’s Flower, Sneezeweed |
Heliopsis helianthoides | False Sunflower, Sunflower Everlasting |
Ilex verticillata | Winterberry |
Iris setosa | Beachhead Iris |
Iris versicolor | Blue Flag Iris, Halequin Iris |
Juncus tenuis | Path Rush |
Juniperus communis | Pasture Juniper |
Liatris novae-angliae | Blazing Star |
Lespedeza capitata | Roundhead Bushclover, Roundhead Lespedeza |
Lobelia cardinalis | Cardinal Flower |
Lobelia siphilitica | Great Blue Lobelia, Blue Lobelia |
Lysimachia ciliata | Fringed Loosestrife, Fringed Yellow Loosestrife |
Mitella diphylla | Bishops Cap Miterwort, Two-Leaf Miterwort |
Monarda fistulosa | Wild Bergamot, Wild Bee Balm |
Monarda punctata | Spotted Bee Balm |
Morella caroliniensis | Small Bayberry |
Myrica pensylvanica | Northern Bayberry |
Oenothera fruticosa | Sundrops, Narrow-Leaved Evening Primrose |
Osmunda claytoniana | Interrupted Fern |
Osmunda regalis | Royal Fern |
Ostrya virginiana | Hophornbeam |
Packera aurea | Golden Ragwort, Golden Groundsel |
Panicum virgatum | Switchgrass |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Virginia Creeper |
Penstemon digitalis | Foxglove Beardtongue |
Penstemon hirsutus | Dwarf Hairy Beardtongue, Hairy Beardtongue, Northeastern Beardtongue |
Phlox divaricata | Woodland Phlox, Wild Blue Phlox |
Physostegia virginiana | Obedient False Dragonhead, Obedient Plant |
Polygonatum biflorum | Smooth Solomons Seal, King Solomon’S Seal |
Polemonium reptans | Jacob’S Ladder, Spreading Jacob’S Ladder |
Polystichum acrostichoides | Christmas Fern |
Prunus pumila | Sandcherry, Dwarf Sand Plum |
Pycanthemum muticum | Broad-Leaved Mountain Mint, Clustered Mountain Mint, Short-Toothed Mountain Mint |
Pycnanthemum virginianum | Virginia Mountain Mint |
Rhus hirta | Staghorn Sumac |
Rosa virginiana | Virginia Rose |
Rubus oderatus | Flowering Raspberry |
Rudbeckia laciniata | Green-Headed Coneflower, Wild Goldenglow |
Rudbeckia triloba | Three-Lobed Coneflower |
Salix discolor | Pussywillow |
Salix nigra | Black Wllow |
Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis | Black Elderberry, American Elder, Common Elderberry, Black Elder, Common Elder, Elderberry |
Sambucus racemosa | Red Elderberry |
Sanguinaria canadensis | Bloodroot |
Schizachyrium scoparium | Little Bluestem |
Scrophularia lanceolata | Early Figwort, Lanceleaf Figwort |
Scrophularia marilandica | Late Figwort, Eastern Figwort |
Sedum ternatum | Woodland Stonecrop |
Solidago bicolor | Silverrod, White Goldenrod |
Solidago caesia | Blue-Stemmed Goldenrod, Wreath Goldenrod |
Solidago flexicaulis | Zigzag Goldenrod |
Solidago gigantea | Smooth Goldenrod |
Solidago juncea | Early Goldenrod |
Solidago nemoralis | Gray Goldenrod |
Solidago sempervirens | Seaside Goldenrod |
Solidago ulmifolia | Elm-Leaved Goldenrod |
Solidago rugosa | Rough-Stemmed Goldenrod, Common Wrinkle Leaf Goldenrod |
Solidago puberula | Downy Goldenrod |
Spiraea tomentosa | Steeplebush, Rosey Meadowseet |
Swida amomum | Silky Dogwood |
Symphyotrichum cordifolium | Heart-Leaved Aster, Blue Wood Aster, Common Blue Wood Aster, Heart-Leaved Aster |
Symphyotrichum ericoides | Heath Aster |
Symphyotrichum laevis | Smooth American Aster, Smooth Blue Aster |
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum | Calico Aster |
Symphyotrichum puniceum | Purple-Stemmed Aster |
Symphyotricum novae-angliae | New England Aster, New England American Aster |
Thalictrum pubescens | Tall Meadow Rue, King Of The Meadow |
Tiarella cordifolia | Foamflower, Foam Flower |
Trillium erectum | Wake Robin, Red Trillium, Red Wake Robbin |
Urtica dioica | Stinging Nettles |
Vaccinium agustifolium | Lowbush Blueberry |
Verbena hastata | Blue Vervain, Blue Verbena |
Verbena stricta | Hoary Vervain |
Vernonia noveboracensis | New York Ironweed |
Veronicastrum virginicum | Culver’s Root |
Viburnum dentatum | Smooth Arrowwood, Arrowwood Viburnum |
Viburnum lentago | Nannyberry, Wild Raisin |
Viburnum nudum var. nudum | Possum haw, wild raisin, withe-rod – Found in Connecticut, south to FL and TX |
Viburnum cassinoides (Viburnum nudum var. cassinoides) | Withe-rod, wild raisin – Maine Native |
Viburnum trilobum | Highbush Cranberry, American Cranberrybush |
Viola sororia | Wood Violet, Dooryard Violet, Wooly Blue Violet |
Vitis riparia | River Grape |
Zizia aptera | Heart-Leaved Alexander, Heart Leaved Golden Alexanders |
Zizia aurea | Golden Alexanders, Common Golden Alexanders |
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